Washington and Oregon are the only two Western states that do not prohibit use of bait for hunting deer and elk. Only 14 percent of elk hunters supported using bait to hunt elk.Click to see full answer. Consequently, is it illegal to feed deer in Oregon?if you need it that black and white, but yes, there is no regulation against baiting deer in Oregon.Also, is it legal to bait deer and elk in Washington state? Washington. WDFW does not have any provisions against baiting deer/elk. However, honey burns are not legal. Any substance that uses a scent/flavor to attracts bears is illegal. Also to know is, where is the best place to hunt elk in Oregon? Named by Field and Stream as the best public elk hunting land in the country, Siuslaw National Forest is 600,000 acres of woodlands absolutely crawling with Rocky Mountain elk. Of course, getting the elk might not always be easy: Siuslaw is located right on the coast and Oregon is a notoriously rainy state.Can you bait elk? Re: Elk Bait It is only illegal to “to intentionally feed or attempt to feed dangerous wildlife (cougar, coyote, wolf and bear),” elk are fine.