Sharks do not have sound-producing organs, so they do not possess the capacity to make noise through vocalization. Researchers have concluded that this noise does not come from vocal ability, but instead is a defense mechanism. Underwater, these sharks inflate their bodies with water to scare predators.Click to see full answer. In this regard, can Sharks bark?Sharks are sleek underwater predators that soundlessly stalk their prey. Except for the sharks that bark like dogs when they feel threatened. At least two kinds of shark, the swellshark and the draughtsboard shark, bark both in the water and on land.One may also ask, do sharks purr? Sharks are just big water-kittens that love to be tickled. At the end of a shark’s snout is a series of sensory organs known as ampullae of Lorenzini. It’s also their secret tickle spot that turns them into big purr-y kittens. Simply so, what sound do sharks hate? Sharks appear to dislike the noise of the bubbles scuba divers create as they breathe underwater. One researcher also found that playing the AD/DC song “You Shook Me All Night Long” did not repel sharks, but did seem to calm them and make them less aggressive, perhaps because they were curious about the sound.Does screaming underwater scare sharks?If a shark attack is imminent while you are in the water, splash and yell just enough to keep the shark at bay. Sometimes yelling underwater or slapping the water repeatedly will scare the shark away. Hit the shark on the gills or eyes if possible.