The NIMS model for incident management is the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS is a standardized on-scene emergency management organization designed to aid in the management of resources during incidents. ICS is sometimes referred to as the Incident Management System (IMS); the terms are interchangeable.Click to see full answer. Moreover, what is the difference between NIMS and ICS?Under NIMS, the State Operational Center (SOC) organizational structure reflects basic Incident Command System (ICS) functions. However, ICS is a field-based tactical communications system, whereas NIMS provides a system for managing the event at the local, operational area, region and state levels.Also Know, can ICS be used to manage a large sporting event? ICS could be used to manage a large sporting event or a visit from a foreign dignitary. ICS is a standardized, all-hazards incident management approach that is used throughout the lifecycle of an incident. ICS best practices are more applicable to local responders than to those at the Federal level. Simply so, is ICS part of NIMS? The ICS has been established by the NIMS as the standardized incident organizational structure for the management of all incidents. Although many agencies now use various forms of ICS, there is considerable uncertainty about NIMS ICS and the impact it will have on systems and processes currently in place.What does NIMS stand for? National Incident Management System