Diamond Classic Plain Horseshoe, Size 00, Pack of 4 at Tractor Supply Co.Click to see full answer. Likewise, people ask, are horses allowed in Tractor Supply?Tractor Supply allows any pet into the store as long as they’re on a leash — so a horse wearing a bridle surely fits the bill. While paying at the counter, the friendly man allowed some kids to come over to pet the horse.Also, how much does a horseshoe cost? Basic Shoeing Cost According to the latest Farrier Business Practices survey conducted by American Farriers Journal, the average nationwide price for trimming four hooves and applying four keg shoes is $120.19. The average charge for trimming and resetting four keg shoes is $113.36. Trim-only prices average $42.06. Also asked, does Tractor Supply have horse blankets? Horse Blankets, Sheets & Accessories at Tractor Supply Co.What size is a horseshoe?The horseshoe pit itself should be no larger than 36 by 72 inches and the rules allow for a minimum size of 31 by 43 inches. The horseshoe stake should extend upward 14 to 15 inches with a slight (3″) tilt forward.