It’s illegal, and you’re going to get caught and turned down for a car loan if you try to create a fake pay stub. You don’t need to commit fraud to get approved for an auto loan – what you need is the right lender to work with.Click to see full answer. Accordingly, can you go to jail for fake pay stubs?Yes. Though it is easy to create a fake pay stub for free online, it is not legal to do so, and though it will usually result in a fine, extreme cases, some people may face jail time.Also, do car dealerships verify income? Yes, is the short answer to whether car dealerships verify income. Car dealerships are prospective lenders. Therefore, they want to know if you can make the payments for the car you purchase. The lender will consider other factors such as your payment history and credit score before it issues its final approval. Accordingly, how do you get fake proof of income? Here are the seven ways a renter can show proof of income: Pay Stubs. Pay stubs show an applicant’s full name, employer’s name, and contact information. Tax Returns. Bank Statements. Letter From Employer. Profit & Loss Statements. Social Security Benefits Statements. Court-ordered Agreement. Do fake pay stubs work on cars?It’s illegal, and you’re going to get caught and turned down for a car loan if you try to create a fake pay stub. You don’t need to commit fraud to get approved for an auto loan – what you need is the right lender to work with.